

Getting hooked up with natural gas

Call us 1300 007 473

Heat… Cook… Save $$$ with gas installation in Sydney!

Gas is the way to go!

Natural gas is a fantastic way to heat your water and home not only cost-effectively, but in a way that is far easier on the environment than electricity. Gas offers the following benefits:

  • Significant savings on utility bills
  • Easy to regulate temperatures on cooktops
  • Vastly superior heating compared to plug-in heaters
  • You’ll never run out of gas in the middle of a BBQ again
  • Easier on the environment


1. Is gas available at your house?

Believe it or not, some Sydney streets still do not have gas. Go to the natural gas website to find out instantly if gas is available to your home (or look for gas meters in your neighbours’ front gardens):

2. Get Connected

Next, you need a gas meter installed (usually somewhere in the garden) and a pipe installed from the gas main in the street to your new meter. A number of utility companies provide (or subcontract out) this service:

  • Contact a Gas Utility Company (AGL, Origin Energy, TRUenergy, Energy Australia)
  • Contact a Private contractor. (For example, the ECNSW website states that meter connection is $125.)
  • Switch online:
    * Make a request through – this is your next step after checking on gas availability.
    * Compare services at They can help you get the best deal on utilities and they may be able to co-ordinate everything for you. Make sure that the site you choose lists ALL of the utility companies listed above under “Gas Utility Company”
A utility company that wants your business may bear the cost of connection to obtain you as a customer, so sharpen up your negotiating skills!

3. Your plumber / gas fitter installs gas pipes from your meter to your house

Your plumber and gas fitter will run copper pipe from the meter either under or along the side of your house and into the rooms or to the points where you want gas. How easy or hard this will be depends on:

  • The length of pipe needed – depends on the size of your house.
  • Where the pipe will be clipped and how easy it is to access the space. For instance, installing gas to a terrace house will be harder because the plumber will have to work under your house in a very confined space, as compared with a freestanding, single level home.
  • The number of points you have. The outlets you might consider having are:
    * Stove and cooktop
    * Hot water
    * Heating (for example, ducted heating, flued gas fire/heater, or a portable non-flued gas heater)
    * BBQ
    * Dryer

The more points you add, the greater the cost, but you have a high upfront investment in becoming connected to gas. Therefore, you will offset that cost by saving with gas appliances wherever you can.

At Pipe Perfection, the more points installed at one visit, the more time is saved. Time means savings, and those savings are passed on to you.

Got a tight budget? Have your essentials connected first, and add other points later.

You will invest from $1000 for a simple installation in an apartment; and from $1900 for a house to enjoy the economy, convenience and environmentally friendly aspects of gas. This doesn’t include appliances.

Get connected to natural gas today, to heat your water and home cost-effectively and is easier on the environment.

Call us 1300 007 473

Make sure your gas fitter ensures a quality installation that runs efficiently, safely and can change as your household changes, and:

  • Future-proofs your investment in gas with the right size pipe. Don’t spend thousands on a new gas service only to discover you’ve allowed for only one gas stove and can’t add a gas heater later.
  • Saves you money by using composite pipe instead of copper on underground pipework.
  • Focuses on safety and has isolation valves at every appliance so if something goes wrong, it can be quickly turned off.
  • Calculates the correct regulator so you get a continuous flow of hot water.
  • Checks the burner pressure on each appliance so it runs efficiently and doesn’t use up too much gas
  • Discusses the best gas heating option for you. Gas fire vs. flued heater vs. portable non-flued. They all have advantages and disadvantages. Get the one that best suits your household.
  • Effectively manages ventilation. You want to make sure your plumber or gas fitter has allowed for effective management of ventilation if a non-flued heater will be used. These heaters can emit noxious gases into the house and ventilation is a key safety consideration.
Once you have decided to get gas, you will need to make a decision on the following:

which hot water unit is the best for you


gas heating options


conversion of your BBQ from LPG to natural gas
