Why you should service your hot water heater

plumbing hot water repairs

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What happens when you don’t service your Hot Water Heater

Is there anything worse than getting halfway through a hot shower, only to have the water turn icy cold? If you have problems with temperature or pressure fluctuations, a lack of servicing may be the culprit.

For expertise in the diagnosis of hot water issues, get in touch with an experienced Pipe Perfection plumber.



Repair or Replace?

Consider this:

An average hot water system can only lasts 8 to 12 years because they haven’t been maintained properly..

If your system has been regularly maintained – you may get as much as 20 years of service!

Consider replacement instead of repair if:

  • The system is over 8 years old, has not been regularly maintained and components need repair. The money you spend on the repair may be better spent replacing your system as it’s likely to fail sooner rather than later.
  • You have a peak electric hot water tank – switching to an energy efficient choice could save you up to 75% in running costs.
  • The gas system is over 10 years old – it’s efficiency deteriorates by 50% and your running costs will be much higher.
  • You have an old system and want to save money with a more energy efficient unit.